Friday, March 13, 2009


Veronica Belmonte and Jonathan Blanco are getting married… after 10 years of pure love. Practically the entire church community is drawn into the whole excitement, given the fact that Veron is the only daughter of His Heirs Christian Fellowship’s Senior Pastor Ramon Belmonte and Jon just happens to be one of the most sought-after bachelors in church. But if there’s anyone else more involved, stirred and affected by the upcoming nuptials, it would have to be the LEAPsters. All in their very early 30s – Heidi, Lovely, Val, Lisa, Hazel and their Shepherd Ruthie form the prayer group LEAP… Ladies Empowered & Assured by Prayer.

As Veron’s sister-in-law, Ruth Belmonte has lovingly volunteered to be her wedding coordinator. Of course, that goes without saying that she has brought in her LEAP sisters to help out with all the planning, coordinating and most of all ministering to the soon-to-be-new-wife. As each one takes on their humble role in assisting the bride, they find themselves tackling more than just a wedding as the events bring them to a myriad of discoveries and realizations…

Heidi’s honeymoon marriage is about to have its first taste of the bittersweet domestic life. Ruthie finds herself trapped at home with two toddlers while she yearns for mission work. Lovely is due to give birth to her first baby anytime now but is more pregnant with thoughts and emotions that would certainly cast a shadow on her perfectly pampered life. Lisa is having a post-partum depression. Hazel suddenly doubts whether she made a good decision to leave her love life years ago and focus on her ministry instead. And Val is on the verge of a major backslide.

The LEAPsters are about to be torn in pieces… but as they go through the painful shredding of their hearts and souls, will they ever still see how God can make them beautifully broken?